Year 1 Team

In Maths, Year 1A students have enjoyed learning about greater and less than using the very hungry alligator who always loves eating greater numbers.

An abundance of fun and hands on learning in the 1B classroom has brought joy to the students. This allows them to gain social skills, decision making, and working together as a team. In STEM students also planned and created their own wise owl masks.

Year 1C students learned about place value as they make groups of tens and ones using the paddle pop sticks. Students enjoy or hands on activities in the classroom.

Year 1D students have been learning about 2d shapes in detail. They can count how many sides and corners a 2d shape has and also, identify if it has horizontal or vertical lines. Our students did an amazing job with this topic. Well Done to all!

Year 2 Team

The Year 2 students have been working very hard this term. They have settled in beautifully and made their teachers proud.

In literacy, students have been working on Information Reports and completed their assessment on Uluru. As a part of Integrated Studies we have been looking at Australian history and landmarks across the nation, which has helped them with their assessment in Literacy. In Numeracy we have covered a variety of topics from Number and Algebra, Measurement and Chance and Data. Students have tried their hardest in all subjects and made the most of their learning time at school.

On March the 19th students celebrated Harmony Day and came to school in orange coloured clothing. We had a lot of classroom discussion on diversity and living in harmony. Students completed fun activities in class while learning about respecting each other.

Overall, it has been an amazing term. Students and teachers have started to create great bonds and are enjoying their time in class learning. Congratulations on successfully completing Term 1!

Grade 3

A warm and happy welcome to the Year 3 students and families,

Our wonderful students have had an amazing start to the year. They have engaged with their teachers and peers, showing enthusiasm and a keen interest to learn new things. Students thoroughly enjoy hands-on activities in Math & STEM Class.

Year 3’s enjoyed learning about cultural diversity, respect and harmony. Our students dressed up in Orange clothing on Harmony Day, students also enjoyed a delicious Sausage Sizzle to help raise money for the Ramadan campaign. They also participated in Clean Up Australia Day, well done to all!

We hope you all have a wonderful restful break, see you in term 2!

Grade 4

The highlight of Term 1 for Year 4 students was attending Camp! The students had a fantastic time in the sunshine with there classmates and teachers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the challenges and activities that the camp had to offer.

We look forward to making more memories throughout the year ahead!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!

Grade 5

The year 5’s have had a wonderful start to the year, engaging in many activities such as STEM, Clean up Australia Day, Harmony Day, developing their writing skills and becoming responsible leaders in the school community. The year 5’s had a fun filled time at camp Anglesea YMCA Camp. The students enjoyed team building and personal development activities.

In stem we do a variety of exciting activities, this term we're focusing on piper , known as piper computer kit.We have made a piper box, the main frame and many other things.We follow an algorithm (a list of steps in order to make something) to make the computer kit.When we finish a new step every time we write what have we done so far to refresh our brains. Stem is very fun and provides : teamwork , thinking skills and problems we need to solve each step of the way

The year 5’s participated in Cleaning Up Australia Day! We all went to different places in the school grounds to clean up rubbish around and near the canteen and other places .We all had partners, gloves and bags to clean up. When we finished the school was clean and we were all proud of ourselves. Make sure to keep our School and any place you are at clean.
